Humin Consulting is your competent partner for TALENT ACQUISITION and HR consultancy across Europe.
Professional consultancy at eye level
Our expertise in HR consultancy is based on many years of national and international professional experience. Only consultants with a strong professional background in selected industries and former management responsibility advise you throughout the whole search process.
Systemic approach for sustainable success
We provide professional HR consultancy thanks to our excellent knowledge of organizational psychology and systemic coaching. The use of systemic methods facilitates the achievement of a sustainable personal/cultural fit for your organisation.
Multilingual and intercultural capability
For an efficient, international TALENT ACQUISITION and the successful management of HR consulting and coaching projects, you benefit from our intercultural skills und multilingualism (German, English, French, Spanish).
Individual and value-driven consultancy
Values such as openness, esteem of differences, connectedness, fairness and authenticity are fundamental to our actions. The feedbacks from our customers confirm that we genuinely live our values every day.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Humin Consulting (BGB)
An der Tuchbleiche 6
81927 München (Germany)
Tel.: +49 89 99650747 (Monday to Friday: 8am – 8pm)